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AEO Lounge Chair

Paolo Deganello

AEO is a light, comfort­able lounge chair that can be taken apart, washed and reassem­bled. Featur­ing a grey lacquered steel frame and seat cushion with your choice of fabric or leather uphol­stery. Aeo’s design was one of the first decon­struc­tions of the modern armchair in 1973. The chair was born out of designer Paolo Deganello’s desire to create some­thing free from conven­tions with an unre­stricted exper­i­men­tal use of new mate­ri­als and possibilities.






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Paolo Deganello

Born at Este, Padua, in 1940, Paolo Deganello grad­u­ated in archi­tec­ture at Florence in 1966. The designer spent 1963 to 1974 working with the town plan­ning council of Calen­zaro (Florence). In 1966 he founded the Archizoom Asso­ciates studio, together with Andrea Branzi, Gilberto Corretti and Massimo Morozzi, which closed in 1972. He contin­ued with his private prac­tice as an archi­tect and designer in Milan, with commis­sions in Italy and abroad. Derganello lectures in various univer­si­ties, and has as many theo­ret­i­cal irons in the fire with arti­cles in the main special­ist peri­od­i­cals. Since 1991 he has been lecturer in plan­ning at the ISIA of Florence. He takes part in exhi­bi­tions of archi­tec­ture and indus­trial design at an inter­na­tional level. The AEO armchair is partic­u­larly famous among the prod­ucts he has designed for Cassina.
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